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Hosted by ICCBBA, an NGO in official relations with the World Health Organization


View Past Event Details here:

Hosted by ICCBBA, an international non-profit standards organization


Sept 18-20, 2019
Lisbon, Portugal

Thanks for Attending!

Message of appreciation from ICCBBA Organizing Chair
Dr. Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach, PhD

Thank you message goes here?

Recommendations to Improve the Quality and Safety of Medical Products of Human Origin

Tim Pruett, Jeremy Chapman, Martin Hildebrandt, Diane Wilson, Paul Ashford, Matt Delgado, Luc Noel and Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach

on behalf of the ICCBBA Board of Director

Executive Summary

In September 2019, ICCBBA organized an international Forum, bringing 90 participants from more than 45 international professional and governmental organizations together to share their views on how to enhance the quality and safety of Medical Products of Human Origin (MPHO). Important topics including traceability, patient safety, ethics, biovigilance and surveillance, and new technologies were based on the WHO Guiding Principles on human cell, tissue and organ transplantation, as endorsed at the Sixty-third World Health Assembly. The goal of the Forum 25 was to identify the current challenges in the area of MPHO and define actions, that will optimize donation and clinical application practices.


This paper describes the overall discussions that took place and identified 16 actions and the involved stakeholders.


It was concluded that while MPHO do already save lives and improve the quality of life for many individuals, it is clear that they are becoming an increasingly important and successful part of the treatment for people worldwide. As the range and reach of MPHO increases, the development and application of reliable traceability systems that preserves individual privacy and yet provide clear documentation of the various steps from donation to use of specific products, is both important and urgent. It is the human product that links a donor to a recipient. The wide variety of products that are possible after a single donation necessitates usage of an unique identifier that will meet public expectations for quality and safety of all MPHO derived from the donation and preserve the intimacy and altruism inherent in organ and tissue donation event.

Welcome Statement

Message from ICCBBA Organizing Chair
Dr. Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach, PhD

This year the Board of Directors of ICCBBA is organizing an invitation only international forum on Medical Products of Human Origin (MPHO) and celebrating its 25th Anniversary.


Forum 25 will be held at the SANA Lisboa Hotel in Lisbon, Portugal and bring together representatives of health organizations, regulators, and professional societies that span the entire range of MPHO to discuss common themes related to traceability, regulatory boundaries, ethics, biovigilance and healthcare technologies. The outcome of the Forum will be a report that identifies practical steps that can be taken towards harmonization and forwarding the guiding principles identified by the WHO.


We are pleased to announce Forum 25 and welcome speakers, chairs and invited delegates from more than 30 organizations and societies active in the field of MPHO to discuss these important issues on the challenges that lie ahead.


The Forum begins on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 with a welcome reception and an important key note lecture by Luc Noel. In the following two days there will be plenary and breakout sessions in which participants will have ample opportunity to exchange their views. On Thursday evening, all participants are invited to join us for the celebration of our 25th Anniversary. The Forum will finish on Friday afternoon, September 20, 2019.


We are looking forward to welcoming you at Forum 25 in Lisbon for an excellent event that will help to improve the safety and quality of MPHO in the future.


On behalf of the Board of Directors of ICCBBA,


Dr. Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach, PhD

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Key Dates 

Jun 10th 2019
Program Finalization
Registration Opens
Mar 1st 2019
Aug 10th 2019
Hotel Registration Closes
Event Begins, Opening Ceremony
Sep 18th 2019
Closing Remarks
Sep 20th 2019


About ISBT 128

ISBT 128 is the global standard for the terminology, identification, coding and labeling of medical products of human origin (including blood, cell, tissue, milk, and organ products). It is used in more than 87 countries across six continents and disparate health care systems. It is widely endorsed by the professional community.

The standard has been designed to ensure the highest levels of accuracy, safety, and efficiency for the benefit of donors and patients worldwide. ISBT 128 provides international consistency to support the transfer, traceability and transfusion/transplantation of blood, cells, tissues and organs.


ICCBBA is an international standards organization responsible for the management and development of the ISBT 128 Standard. For more information, please view ICCBBA's press release.


The acronym ISBT was originally derived from the important role played by the International Society of Blood Transfusion in the development of the standard. Today it expands as Information Standard for Blood and Transplant. The number 128 reflects the 128 characters of the ISO/IEC 646 7-bit character set.


The acronym ICCBBA is derived from the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation.

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Full Event Schedule

Note: The dress code during the entire meeting including the Anniversary Dinner is “smart casual”.

Social Programs

Award Ceremony
SANA Lisboa Hotel
Sep 18th     16:10 - 16:25

During the the award ceremony, ICCBBA will present the winner of the One World Award for 2019.

Welcome Reception
SANA Lisboa Hotel
Sep 18th     17:15 - 19:00

The Welcome reception includes an introductory speech.

Social Dinner
Estufa Fria
Sep 19th    19:30 - 22:00

Initially designed as a plant shelter, the Lisbon Estufa Fria is a space where you can enjoy pleasant moments amongst pools, waterfalls, creeks, statues and hundreds of species of different plants from all over the world. The Lisbon Estufa Fria is located in the Eduardo VII Park just a short 11 minute walk from the Sana Lisboa Hotel. Learn More about it here.

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